

Not that I want you to win or anything, because I am kind of selfish and would like to win this. =)...but Red Hen Studios has a really cool blog (and some really cute kids), and she's trying to downsize and rather than filling landfills with stuff, she's giving it to someone to use! So if you are interested in things like trim and vintage fabric (AND I AM) go check out her site. She has some awesome stuff on etsy too and you know you want to buy handmade stuff for Christmas, so much cooler than Wally World. =)

**IF YOU DO ENTER - mention my name pretty please!** And good luck!

Oh....and this isn't her Red Hen sign, I stole it from the internet, but I couldn't get hers....so....


Julie said...

Thank you so much for giving my blog a shout out. I loooove that red hen illustration. I often feel like her with chicks climbing all over me/

Le said...

I love your blog layout - so beautiful - meant to say that before ... cheers le